Towards developing an IT industry in Manipur, Government of Manipur is setting up an Information Technology Special Economic Zone (IT SEZ) over 10.85 hectares of contiguous land at Mantripukhri, equally divided into Processing Zone and Non-Processing Zone. The State Government has identified Cyber Corporation Manipur Limited (CCML) as a Special Purpose Vehicle for implementation of the IT SEZ project. The Manipur IT SEZ Project is now at the following stage:  
  1. World Bank Funding for Manipur Infotech eNabled Development (MIND) Project: A Detailed Project Report with a Project cost of Rs. 418 crore was submitted for approval to the World Bank through Department of External Affairs (DEA), Government of India for IT SEZ Manipur. The Project Development Objective of the MIND Project is “to Promote Digital Skills and Entrepreneurship, Increase Access to Broadband in Project areas, and to Enhance and Secure the Foundations for Digital Government in Manipur”. Identification Mission, Preparation Mission, Appraisal Mission and Loan Negotiation with the World Bank and the Department of Economic Affairs (DEA), Ministry of Finance, has been successfully completed. The Project has also obtained the World Bank’s Board Approval and it is currently pending at the Legal Loan Agreement Signing Stage.
  2. Hotel and Hospital in the Non-Processing Zone: A 60-Rooms Hotel and a 75-Bedded Multispecialty Hospital envisaged to be set up in the Non-Processing Zone are currently at RFP Circulation Stage.
  3. Residential Apartments: Work order has been issued to M/s Variety Trades Complex for Construction, Development and Marketing of Residential Complex. It will house a total of 154 flats (4BHK, 3BHK & 2BHK Flats). Architectural Drawings submitted by M/s Variety Trades Complex has been revised and the same has been examined and endorsed by PWD, Manipur, and Structural Drawings is currently in process for vetting.
  4. Building No. 1: Building no. 1 of the 5 buildings in the Processing Zone is at the finishing stage. For Operation and Maintenance of the Building 1, Work Order has been awarded to M/s Infovalley Educational and Research Private Limited. The said Building is expected to accommodate a 1000 seater BPO Centre, State Data Centre and Security Operations Centre.
  5. Building No. 2: Ministry of DoNER, Government of India has already conveyed Administrative and Financial approval of Rs. 128 Crore under PM-DevINE for development of IT Building 2 in the Processing Zone of Manipur IT SEZ.
  6. Start Industry Linked Training for 2000 trainees in IT/ITES: A skilling and placement programme of 2000 trainees from Manipur in the IT/ITES sector was taken up during June, 2022. Under the first batch training, a total of 1200 trainees have been placed in BPO companies like 24/7, Aegis, etc. A proposal has been submitted for a Second Batch of training for 2000 trainees – 1000 (conventional BPO), 500 (Health Sector) & 500 (Programming and Coding).
The approved outlay for the year 2023-24 for Manipur IT SEZ (State Share) was Rs. 15.00 lakh and the expenditure incurred during 2023-24 is NIL.