Setting-up of IT Special Economic Zone (SEZ)

The Government of Manipur is setting-up an IT Special Economic Zone (SEZ) over 10.85 hectares of contiguous land adjacent to the existing IT Park at Mantripukhri. IT-SEZ will cater to both local as well as outstation entrepreneurs and generate employment as well as revenue for the State. Hardware manufacture/assembling which is a focus area of the Government of India, is also proposed to be taken-up.
The construction of the first building of the IT-SEZ has been started and is targeted to be completed by December, 2018. It is envisaged that with the establishment of the IT SEZ, export oriented activities will be taken-up and would bring in revenue to the State. It is also envisaged that a few medium and large IT agencies can be attracted to set-up offices at the IT SEZ to generate employment for the local youths with IT qualifications.
It may also be noted that Construction of Approach Road having a standard 4 lane road with central median (width of 2.0 mts) along with a provision of footpath and drain from the National Highway to the IT-SEZ main campus at Mantripukhri, Imphal is being taken up by State PWD.